The security of basic authentication can be improved when used with HTTPS, thus encrypting the request and response. The getRequestingPrompt() method returns the Basic authentication realm as provided by the server. Http digest Digest is a relatively secure scheme based on cryptographic hashes of the username and password, using the MD5 hash

HTTP Authentication implementation in Go. This is an implementation of HTTP Basic and HTTP Digest authentication in Go language. It is designed as a simple wrapper for http.RequestHandler functions. Features. Supports HTTP Basic and HTTP Digest authentication. Supports htpasswd and htdigest formatted files. Automatic reloading of password files. Summary. This module implements HTTP Digest Authentication (), and provides an alternative to mod_auth_basic where the password is not transmitted as cleartext.However, this does not lead to a significant security advantage over basic authentication. On the other hand, the password storage on the server is much less secure with digest authentication than with basic authentication. HTTP authentication is quite popular for web applications. It is pretty easy to implement and works for a range of http applications; not to mention your browser. Basic Auth. The two main authentication schemes are 'basic' and 'digest'. Basic is pretty easy to implement and appears to be the most common: The two most common authentication methods are Basic and Digest authentication and the choice of which to use has often come down to security considerations; Basic Authentication uses a simple Base64 encoding to convert the userid and password in an HTTP Authorization header. In the context of an HTTP transaction, basic access authentication is a method for an HTTP user agent (e.g. a web browser) to provide a user name and password when making a request. In basic HTTP authentication, a request contains a header field in the form of Authorization: Basic , where credentials is the Base64 encoding of ID and password joined by a single colon :. The Digest response HTTP header provides a digest of the requested resource.. In RFC 7231 terms this is the selected representation of a resource. The selected representation depends on the Content-Type and Content-Encoding header values: so a single resource may have multiple different digest values.. The digest is calculated over the entire representation. Digest Authentication Current proposal: draft-ietf-http-digest-aa-02.txt Adding an algorithm parameter. Describe in detail construction of nonces. Here there are a number of tricks already in use which ensure that a nonce is only valid for requests comming from a single TCP/IP address.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) provides a simple challenge- response authentication mechanism that may be used by a server to challenge a client request and by a client to provide authentication information. This document defines the HTTP Digest Authentication scheme that can be used with the HTTP authentication mechanism.

Digest authentication is a method in which all requests for access from client devices are received by a network server and then sent to a domain controller. It is one of the standard methods used by a Web server to authenticate the credentials of a user agent or Web browser. Credentials are hashed or encrypted before being sent, ensuring they RFC 2617 HTTP Authentication June 1999 The realm directive (case-insensitive) is required for all authentication schemes that issue a challenge. The realm value (case-sensitive), in combination with the canonical root URL (the absoluteURI for the server whose abs_path is empty; see section 5.1.2 of []) of the server being accessed, defines the protection space. Digest does provide better in-transit security than Basic authentication for unencrypted traffic, but it's weak. It is MUCH safer to use Basic auth in combination with SSL/TLS instead, because that way you can also keep the passwords on the server encrypted. - rustyx Jul 9 '16 at 14:24

Authentication in HTTP Requests | MuleSoft Documentation

The digest token authentication passes user credentials and a digest token within an unencrypted HTTP header. The instance reads the HTTP header value and compares its computed hash value of the digest token. If the computed hash value matches the digest token value, then the instance searches for a matching value in the User table. Flaw in HTTP Digest Authentication - Information Security Digest authentication is defined in RFC 2617 so please refer to this documentation instead of coming up with your own scheme. It may also be vulnerable to replay attacks The nonce set by the server is used to defend against replay attacks, i.e. only replies are accepted which match the unpredictable nonce. The HTTP Series (Part 4): Authentication Mechanisms